Get Involved

The Children's Defense Fund published a list of organizations working to prevent gun violence, listed below. Visit their websites to learn more!

Boston TenPoint Coalition: An ecumenical group of Christian clergy and lay leaders working to mobilize the Boston community around issues affecting Black and Latino youth to end violence.

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: An affiliate of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence that works to create an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in their communities. It works to pass and enforce sensible federal and state gun laws, regulations and public policies. 

Campaign to Close the Gun Show Loophole: A coalition of individuals who advocate for legislative changes to close gun show loopholes to prevent felons, criminals, terrorists, gang members and other dangerous individuals from purchasing guns without background checks.

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: A coalition, with 48 national organizational members, that seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.

Legal Community Against Violence: A public interest law center dedicated to providing legal assistance in support of gun violence at the state and local level, and which provides free legal assistance to advocates, other community leaders, government officials and law enforcement seeking legislative and regulatory solutions to gun violence. 

Mayors Against Illegal Guns: A coalition of more than 600 mayors from large and small cities across the county, co-chaired by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York City and Mayor Thomas M. Menino of Boston, with the goal of protecting their residents, especially children, from harm by stopping the threat of illegal guns and preventing criminals from getting guns illegally.

States United to Prevent Gun Violence: An organization representing gun violence prevention groups in 24 states that is focused on reducing gun violence in states across the country. 

Violence Policy Center: A national organization working to stop gun deaths and injury though research, advocacy, education, and collaboration, and which maintains a Concealed Carry Killers on-line resource that tracks incidents involving private citizens legally allowed to carry concealed handguns.

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